NEW VERSION 3.0! Updated for 2021
-- The fastest way to create in-demand digital products your buyers will love --
If You Can Write Simple 7-15 Page Reports, You Can Make a Living Working Just A Few Hours Each Week From The Comfort Of Your Home!
Plus, You'll Learn How to Turn These 7-15 Page Reports into Highly
Profitable Bundles That Sell for $27, $97 or up to $997 Per Order!
What You're About to Learn...
  • How to easily crank out high-demand, money-making small reports on your first day!
  • How to start from scratch today and actually be making money in your first week!
  • How you can turn tiny, 7-15 page reports into a $100,000+ business in your first year!
Dear Friend,

It would surprise me - greatly - if you already know how easily you can make money by selling small reports of less than 15 pages in length.

Not writing a book that sells at bookstores. Not self-publishing a manual through direct mail. Not creating a full-length information product. Not even writing a 50-75 page eBook.

I'm talking about writing tiny, 7-15 page small reports that sell like crazy to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year!

Small reports can be about virtually anything -
  • Homeschooling
  • Minecraft
  • Fishing
  • Playing Golf
  • Restoring Mustangs
  • Youth Ministry
  • Marriage
  • Small Business
  • Teaching Sunday School
  • Skincare
  • Paintball
  • Retirement
  • Living With M.S.
  • Overcoming Addiction
  • Fundraising
  • Discount Travel
And none of them has to be any longer than a mere 15 pages. 

Child's play, right?

You can write 15 pages in your sleep - even if you're not a "writer". (Especially with the step-by-step system I'm going to give you below!)

If you're looking for a good way to make money on the Internet that really does work, then let me explain my completely unique approach to "small reports marketing".

But, first, let me break the bad news to you.
Why most writers, ebook authors, and information publishers are working way too hard...
Making money by selling information is nothing new. The problem is, up until now, most people are working way too hard at it.
  • 1) Book Writers are working way too hard! Trying to find a publisher can take a long time ... and rejections are hard to take. Self-publishing is often costly and time-consuming. Even getting your book into circulation rarely means any "real" money for most writers.How to start from scratch today and actually be making money in your first week!
  • 2) Ebook Authors are working way too hard! Most people who START an ebook never FINISH it. Why? Because writing a 50-75 page (or even more!) manual just isn't very easy. And, even if you do get it done, you've worked hard at it for an extended period of time. The average ebook author that I've talked to, who actually gets their ebook written, spends about 2-3 months writing it.
  • 3) Information Publishers are working way too hard! The "in" thing to do right now is create huge physical products (DVDs, manuals, binders, the works) to sell at a premium price. Come on, who wants to work that hard when you can make just as much money in 1/10 of the time invested?
Listen, maybe you're not a writer, ebook author or information publisher... 

Maybe you're an "opportunity seeker" just looking for a way to make money. 

I've got news for you, even "opportunity seekers" are working too hard! Think of all the MLMs, turnkey websites, auctions, advertising revenue schemes and so forth that are bombarding you night and day.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally settle on one simple thing to do that works for YOU?!

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather spend my time visiting with my family, camping, hiking or traveling and enjoying my life! In fact...
I'm actually almost embarrassed by this, but it sure is a good "problem" to have in my life...
I get embarrassed at times when my friends, church members, neighbors and other acquaintances ask me about my "job". I almost cringe when I tell them that I work about 10 hours per week and play most of the rest of the time.

I mean, seriously, I almost feel guilty when I hear of how much overtime they've worked, how hard their job is, how little time they have for their families or themselves and how annoying their boss is.

But, more than guilty, I feel grateful. I feel grateful to my God that I have found financial freedom and flexibility in the small reports information business.

You can too, you know.
Here's the proof you've been waiting for that
creating tiny reports can reap huge profits...
You can Google® my name ("Lee Collins" or "Charles Lee Collins") and you'll find my small reports everywhere, but I just want to briefly give you an idea how profitable "tiny reports" can really be if you just have the right system in place...

In fact, I made most of my income over the past 21 years with small reports.

This has been going on since January 1999. Every year my income continues to rise and to date I have never sat down and written anything longer than 20 pages at a time.

Any of my courses that have more pages were compiled from several different smaller reports - a secret that I'm just now letting out of the bag!

But, enough about me. What about you?
Here are 6 7 reasons why "small reports"
are the perfect money-maker for YOU...
Maybe you're new to this concept of selling information online. Let me quickly explain why this is such a lucrative business that's just perfect for anyone wanting to work less and earn more...
  • HIGH PROFIT - Since your reports will be in "digital" format (I.E. Your customers download them to their computer), there is "ZERO" cost to duplicate. Sell a $17 small report and keep $17! (Less processing fees, of course).
  • EASY TO DO - Creating a small report is very easy to do with my step-by-step system... much easier than trying to write a full-length book or even "ebook". You only need 7-15 pages of content to make money!
  • FLEXIBILITY - You get to work your own schedule from wherever you choose. Your small report business is completely portable. (Heck, I often write from my RV at a campground out in the middle of the woods!)
  • NO WRITING EXPERIENCE NEEDED - If you're a writer, that's a "bonus", but it's not necessary. Everything is explained in "kindergarten" detail so anyone can follow along.
  • QUICK TURNAROUND - You can literally create a small report in one day (8 hours) and can start from scratch (with NOTHING) and actually produce sales in one week or less!
  • ​GREAT POTENTIAL - There is really no cap on how much money you can make this year (and long-term for the remainder of your life) with this business. With my unique "six-phases" plan, you can continue growing your info-empire for years to come!
  • WORLDWIDE ORDERS 24/7 - Everything is setup to take orders automatically, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You're not limited like a traditional business is - you're always "open" even when you're asleep! Your web site processes orders from around the world while you're enjoying life.
Let me challenge you to beat
this with what you're doing...
I can write a 10-page report in two hours or less. I can create a mini-salesletter for it in another hour. Setting up a site takes half an hour max. In just three and a half hours I can have a completely new manual to sell for $20.00 - it's not uncommon for me to sell hundreds of these.

But, that's not the end of it. I can invest a few more hours, recyle the content and convert this small report into a premium-priced product that rakes in $100.00 or more.
In the typical time (8 hours) someone else spends a day on the job that they get paid once to work, I can create a stream of income that pays off handsomely for months, and even years to come. Over and over and over again...
We were on the way to an off-grid camping and off-roading event recently and I finished up a 15-page small report on "how to beat any tennis player at your skill level" on the drive there. Another income stream.

My in-laws live about 45 minutes away and on a couple of drives to and from their home to visit, I wrote a small report on "how to lose weight by making tiny, healthy changes". More income streams.

These small reports are so easy to write that you'll find even in your sparest of time you can crank them out.

That's what I love about them - it doesn't take much time at all to write a dozen or so pages of information.

In the typical time you'd spend a day at your regular "job", you could create a small report using the system I share in Small Reports Fortune™. A 5-day work week could yield a staggering five separate small reports if you wanted to devote yourself to it.

It's all spelled out in this training. In fact...
Look and see if you can spot anything missing...
If you're expecting to find something left out from the Small Reports Fortune™ course, then you're probably gonna go blind searching for it. There's simply nothing missing from this 101-page, step-by-step course...
Here's what's inside:
  • STEP 1) How To Choose A Highly-Profitable Market. One of the things that I teach which most others do not, is how to choose a "market" instead of a "niche". Why? Because there's much more money to be made that way! (I'll explain it all inside.) You'll learn 3 rules for choosing the right market you can sell to for years to come, as well as be given a list of 20 researched markets that are proven to be revenue-generators.
  • STEP 2) How To Find The Perfect Idea For A Small Report. In this section you'll learn the 2 necessary "criteria" for finding a profitable idea along with 7 "idea hangouts" where you can actually find golden topics to write about in your small report. Even if you have absolutely no clue as to what to sell, you'll be generating dozens of ideas after reading through our idea generation section.
  • ​STEP 3) How To Write P.A.G.E.S. Of High Demand Content. You'll discover more than just "what" to write, you'll also discover exactly HOW to write your small report. Valuable information on brainstorming, outlining, organizing and actually writing your small report to sell like crazy is included in this section. Even if you are a complete beginner (and don't consider yourself a "writer") you'll be cranking out page after page of red-hot content with this primer.
  • STEP 4) How To Package, Price and Position Your Small Report. I cover everything you need to know about formatting (I'm talking how to create headers/footers, margins, fonts, indentions - EVERYTHING) your small report, determining the perfect price for your small report (I have 3 principles that no one else talks about) and even a superb tutorial on "positioning" your small report to stand out from others (allowing you to charge more and sell more!).
  • ​STEP 5) How To Create A Small Report Mini-Salesletter. In this section (which, by the way, is worth as much as you'll pay for the entire product!) you'll find a detailed, step-by-step study in copywriting. I walk you through the entire salesletter creation process - all eleven parts, along with examples and screenshots for each - to help you write ad copy that generates sales for your small report. You don't need to purchase any high-priced copywriting course or hire a high-priced copywriter ... you can do it yourself by following this proven-effective system.
  • ​STEP 6) How To S.E.T.U.P. A Web Site To Sell Your Small Report. I don't leave you hanging once you've gotten your small report ready to sell ... I'll actually walk you through the steps for setting up your web site (from scratch!) including registering a domain, setting up hosting, building an HTML page, getting automated order-processing, uploading files and testing the entire process to make sure everything is working properly. And it's all explained in user-friendly language that even a rank beginner can understand and follow. No more trying to "figure it out" on your own!
  • ​STEP 7) How To Turn Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Business. This is a never-before-revealed system for turning tiny reports into a $100,000+ per year business. Even if you've been creating information products for years, this one section (which is actually 23 pages long!) will reveal things about creating an information empire that you've never put together before. I share everything in the "six phases" of a six-figure business with small reports. Each phase builds upon the previous one to create a multi-stream business that continues to grow month after month.
As you can see, there isn't anything else for you to buy; nothing left for you to figure out on your own; no more spinning your wheels looking for the missing pieces to the puzzle. 

It's all right here in one easy-to-follow system that takes you from zero to sales.

But, don't take my word for it.
Here's What Others Are Saying About
The Small Reports Fortune™ course...
(Note: These are "real" people just like you - not a bunch of my "buddies" that I gave a free copy to in exchange for a testimonial!)
"Sold 420 in a week"

I wrote a $10 report earlier this year, after reading the how and why at your site, and sold 420 in a week to my list so I want to do another this month and do even better.

Peter Murphy
"Worth 100 times what you charge"

The value is worth 100 times what you charge, easily! I just finished my first small report, got the site up, and I'm finishing up integrating the order taking process into it. I couldn't have done it without your Small Reports Fortune. You've created not just another info theory product on how-to-make-money on the internet but rather a complete system for sustained and continued money making opportunities. Instead of *giving* me fish for dinner, you've taught me *how* to fish.Thank you very much!

Jeff Baker
"Easy to understand and implement"

I don't know why you call it Small Reports Fortune ... because I think your guide can be a lot of things but it sure is NOT SMALL. To me it's an info-product MONSTER manual. You walk through all the steps any beginner needs to know when it comes to building a profitable info-product empire. And you tell it in a very simple, practical manner that is easy to understand and implement.

Starting from this point onwards, if anybody asks me how to make money with info-products on the Internet, I am going to say, "Check out Jimmy Brown's Small Reports Fortune."

Iszuddin Ismail aka Kidino
"Thousands of dollars in additional profit"

Your idea of "creating a small fortune with small reports" is absolutely brilliant, and I truly believe that this strategy alone will generate thousands of dollars in additional profit each month. Take care Jimmy and thanks again for your innovative strategies.

Sean Nalewanyj
"Absolutely fantastic"

THANK YOU! Your Small Reports Fortune series is absolutely fantastic. As far as I'm concerned, you are the best out there. You consistently provide solid, no-hype, no-fluff information that is clearly delivered and contains hundreds of information nuggets that always send my mind racing. Congratulations. 

Tony Pirquet
"On the cutting edge"

Again you're are on the cutting edge with a concise step-by-step plan on creating a profitable small reports business. I found your "How To S.E.T.U.P. A Web Site To Sell Your Small Report " section very useful. Thanks again for really delivering with another great product!

Brett Forster
"I should be able to sell around 200 per month easily"

The concept is irresistible! Coming of a database of 10,000 subscribers, I figure I should be able to sell around 200 per month easily. Very nice indeed. My plan is to take this further and add them (with audio) in to a membership site. Sound familiar? So, I guess I owe you a big thaaaank you!

Sal Vannutini

I couldn't hold just how much I appreciate what Jimmy has done for us all. The gems he mentioned are priceless ... I can't thank Jimmy enough because all of his products have made an impact with my online business. Anyways, "Small Fortune With Small Reports"? What a genious. Jimmy - you're tops man. Will always model you.

Aurelious Tjin
It doesn't just work for me. It works for anyone who uses it. And that includes you.
When you complete this course, you'll be ready to immediately launch your first small report...
There are seven jam-packed sessions in the Small Reports Fortune™ course (available in both .pdf text format AND .mp3 audio format for your convenience!) that cover everything you need to know in order to create - and sell - your first small report within one week.

Let me just share a few highlights of what you'll learn in each session...
Session 1
How to Choose a Highly-Profitable Market
  • ​The age-old marketing law that is the basis for earning maximum profit with minimal effort in the information publishing business. (Page 5)
  • ​Why you need to go against the grain and focus your time and energy on "broad" markets instead of "niche" topics. (Page 7)
  • ​3 simple rules for choosing a red-hot "market" full of eager-beaver, hungry buyers to buy not one or two, but dozens of your small reports! (Page 8)
  • ​20 highly-profitable "markets" that are proven to generate revenue in the information business - pick one of these that matches up to your own interests and save yourself time researching - I've done it for you! (Page 9)
Session 2
How To Find The Perfect Idea For A Small Report
  • The only 2 "criteria" you need to consider in selecting a topic to write about for your small report ... you can check these in minutes instead of wasting a lot of time evaluating to find topics of high demand and interest! (Page 11)
  • ​7 "idea hangouts" where you can quickly find enough ideas to write your next 10-15 small reports! Note: When you know what to look for, you'll have so many ideas that your toughest choice will be to decide which one to write first! (Page 12)
  • ​How to use other people's costly research to find out what those most likely to buy from you have the greatest interest in ... without spending a penny! (Page 13)
  • ​Two ways to use "topic x-ray" to focus in on the precise topic for your small report, including a super-sneaky way to ethically "steal" your competitor's ideas! (Page 14)
  • ​A "magnetic" way to get your customers buying report after report after report from you for as long as you want to continue writing them! (Page 15)
Session 3
How To Write P.A.G.E.S. Of High Demand Content
  • 3 questions to ask in choosing the title for your small report. Hint: Your title is absolutely critical to the success (or, gulp, the failure) of your project and can literally mean the difference between so-so sales and a best-seller! (Page 16)
  • My proprietary P.A.G.E.S. system for brainstorming, outlining and writing your small report - more than teaching you just "what" to write, I'll show you "how" to write faster, easier and better! (Page 17)
  • ​How to quickly and easily brainstorm ideas to write about in your small report including my "alphabetizing" technique for quickly generating dozens of thoughts to share. (Page 19)
  • ​2 simple, but effective ways to organize your ideas so they are easy to write (for you) and easy to understand (for your customer). (Page 20)
  • ​5 fill-in-the-blank "content templates" you can use to effortlessly write paragraph after paragraph - even if you don't consider yourself a writer. Hint: These helpful prompts can be worked into any spot of any report.(Page 22)
Session 4
How To Package, Price & Position Your Small Report
  • A crash-course in "packaging" your small report including 7 specific pages to include in your content, along with 8 formatting elements to use in designing your pages. Hint: I share everything from creating headers/footers to using indentions and boldface text! (Page 28)
  • ​3 proven-profitable ways to make "special offers" (Page 28) and "backend offers" (Page 29) to earn more money after the sale. Note: This is considered mandatory for any information publisher.
  • ​The pricing triangle - 3 "rules" to help you choose the price for your small report that makes you the most money ... and how you can have direct and personal influence over how much your customers will spend! (Page 35)
  • ​How to create a unique sales proposition that makes your small report stick out like ketchup on a white dress shirt! Included are the top two ways to get others scrambling to buy your product now. (Page 37)
  • ​20 different ways your small report can be "positioned" differently than anyone else's competing product (Page 39) + 8 case study examples of how to effectively "nichefy" your small report to get extra sales. (Page 41)
Session 5
How To Create A Small Report Mini-Salesletter
  • A step-by-step course in copywriting; there's no need to buy additional high-priced courses (nor hire a pricey copywriter).This complete tutorial walks you through the steps for writing an order-producing salesletter! (Page 45)
  • ​11 parts of an order-producing small report mini-salesletter ... from top to bottom! Note: The very salesletter you are now reading was written based on the tutorial in this course. Enough said! (Page 46)
  • ​5 ways to use preheadlines, 3 keys to your primary headline, 2 ideas for winning postheadlines, 6 ways to introduce your product, 3 ways to prove your results, 3 keys to effective use of bullet lists, 3 rules for creating a call to action, 3 ways to use a postscript and much more! (Page 47+)
  • ​How to get your web site visitors to stop "fence-setting" and place an order with you right now, today! (Page 55)
  • ​Dozens of case studies, examples, ideas and tips for writing effective ad copy (Page 45-60)
Session 6
How To S.E.T.U.P. A Web Site To Sell Your Small Report
  • My unique S.E.T.U.P. system: Select a domain name, establish web site hosting, think about the order process, upload your files and prepare for your first order - you'll learn every step in non-technical terms anyone can understand! (Page 61+)
  • ​Simple, user-friendly explanations of how to update nameservers, get order buttons, create download links, upload files and other order-processing steps to completely automate your small report business. (Page 64-68)
  • ​8 easy steps to verify your order-process to make sure your customer can visit your site, place an order and download your small report without you having to lift a finger! (Page 69)
  • ​"Vendor approved" resources for registering domains (as low as $8.95 per year), hosting your site (as low as $5.00 per month) and order-processing (zero startup costs). (Page 62+)
Session 7
How To Turn Small Reports Into A Six-Figure Business
Note: As important and relevant as all of the other information in this course is, this final session (23 jam-packed pages of never-before-revealed information!) is the real strategy of developing a $100K+ a year small report business.
  • The previously unreleased "six phases" of creating a small report empire - how to go from phase one to phase six in just 12 months. That's right, you can make over $100,000 with small reports in your first year! (Page 72-95)
  • ​The secret of creating a series of small reports and 4 ways to automatically cross-promote all of them with zero-budget advertising. Hint: This is how you double, triple, quadruple (and even more) your profit! (Page 78)
  • ​How to get to the $100,000 per year goal 5X as fast with phase 3 and the one "never fail" way to get affiliates promoting your products for you! (Page 80)
  • ​3 "Kit Kreators™" that you can use to develop a small report into premium-priced products that dramatically increase the bottom line of your business. (Pages 85-89)
  • ​The mother lode of the small reports business - phase 6 - how to spiral tiny, 7-15 page reports into an ever-growing empire of physical products, live events, coaching programs, membership sites and more. (Page 90)
And believe me when I tell you that these are just the highlights. There is just so much meaty information stuffed inside this 101-page goldmine of a manual.

Everything you've just read about (and more!) is conveniently packaged for you -

1. The Small Reports Fortune™ 101-page manual in .PDF format.
2. The Small Reports Fortune™ audio version in 6 downloadable .MP3 sessions.

So, I guess the only thing left for you to consider is: "Is this for YOU?"

Let me help you with the answer...
If you're a newcomer and you're wondering, "Can someone who's a complete beginner do this?" - the answer is a definite "YES"!

I've specifically created this course to be user-friendly to those just starting out --- which means I've left no detail unexplained.

Everything is systematically arranged in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that includes everything you need to actually start from nothing and make money... 

YES, even if you have absolutely no experience!
If you're already familiar with creating information products, then you're gonna love Small Reports Fortune™ for two reasons:

1. You'll learn a system that is certain to help you make more money with less effort!

2. You'll learn my proprietary, never-before-seen system (6-Phases To 6-Figures) for turning tiny, 7-15 page reports into a six-figure empire!

With the numerous shortcuts revealed and the first look at how to really cash-in on tiny infoproducts, you'll refer to this course over and over again!
Let me share something with you
that is going to really tick you off...
Most people throw in a bunch of "bonuses" at the close of a letter like this one to "sweeten the deal". In fact, they often include so many extras that the so called "value" of the bonuses well exceeds the value of the course itself! This is a marketing ploy that's used to convince you to buy.

But, here's the problem (and I figure this is going to upset you as much as it does me) with these "bonuses" - they usually have NO VALUE to you as the customer.
1. They are often cheap "freebie" ebooks that are only designed to get you to buy something else and can be readily found for free over the Internet.

2. They are often completely unrelated to the course you're purchasing which doesn't help you further benefit from the course - it only distracts you from accomplishing what you're hoping to accomplish from the course.

3. They are outdated resources that the vendor is no longer able to "sell" on their own, so they stockpile them into some "vault" or "collection" to toss at you in hopes of achieving some perceived value.
Listen to me carefully - I refuse to do that.

I have painstakingly created 4 bonuses for you when you purchase Small Reports Fortune™ that were developed specifically and exclusively for this product. That means they are included to give you added value (they enhance the product!) for your purchase and they aren't available anywhere else. Period.

If you order today, I'll include these exclusive bonuses -

Bonus #1 - The 7-Day Checklist For Creating A Small Report

In this 16-page report, you'll get a systematic checklist broken down into daily activities for you to complete.

Assignments appear in chronological order, completely cover the entire process of creating a small report from start to finish and refer to specific pages of the main manual and bonuses to provide complete, detailed instructions for completing each assignment.

Bonus #2 - 27 Red Hot Ideas For Your Next Small Report

In this 18-page report, you'll learn 27 different categories for your next small report, along with 158 different title topics you can modify for your own use in generating ideas.

By mixing and matching from this one-of-a-kind index (you won't find anything like this available anywhere else for any fee!) you'll be able to quickly choose red-hot ideas anytime you choose without time-consuming research!

Bonus #3 - How To Improve Your Information W.R.I.T.I.N.G.

In this 24-page report, you'll be given 7 incredible techniques for writing faster, easier and better!

Included in this invaluable reference (this is *literally* worth more than the cost of the course by itself!) are 9 kinds of "content enhancers," 50 different idea catalyst templates, dozens of writer prompts and invaluable writing techniques to help you improve both the quantity and quality of your finished product.

With this report you'll have more ideas to write about and it will be easier to write about those ideas!

Bonus #4 - The Beginner's Guide To Promoting A Small Report

In this 17-page report, you'll receive a crash-course in getting people to your site to actually buy your small report.

Included in this valuable report is information on promoting your small report both offline and online - with flyers, business cards, door hangers, newspaper ads, eBay®, forums, pay-per-click advertising, and ezine articles.

The ideas, screenshot examples and details provided will quickly get you started promoting and profiting from your small report.
Brace yourself, you're in for a shocker now...
Where's the deadline? Where's the one-time offer?
Where's the limit? Where's the strong-arm tactic?
I know, I know, here's the spot in the salesletter where I'm supposed to pull out some high-powered pressure tactic to reel you in like you're a trout who's too stupid to spot the hook.

If you've been around very long at all, you know that most marketers like to tell you about how if you don't order today you'll miss out. There's always some price increase coming soon, some limited number of orders almost reached.

Well, I'm not like most marketers.

Here's the thing: I've made this incredible resource available for you that should convince you to buy it based on its merits, not my marketing. You should be able to look at what I've told you about this course and say with certainty, "I want it" without me having to twist your arm or use some psychological mind tricks to convince you.

Listen, I'll just say two quick things to you and let you make up your own mind -

1. I will raise the price someday.

The price you see listed below WILL increase. When? I don't know for sure. And I'm not gonna make something up in an attempt to create urgency for you to order. When I have time to convert this course into a physical product or an e-coaching class, I'll increase the price appropriately. It may be today, it may be tomorrow - it may be next year. I honestly don't know. It will happen sometime.

2. Time's a wasting.

Regardless of when the price increases, one thing is for certain ... time doesn't wait. If you choose to walk away today and NOT purchase the course, then you can't get started today. That means, instead of seeing profit in 7 days from now, you'll only see this salesletter again (assuming you come back) which may or may not have the same price listed below. The point is this: you can start today with nothing and in a week or less you can actually be seeing sales come in...if you order. That's not a sales tactic, that's reality.
If you want $97.00 from me,
all you've got to do is ask for it...
How about a money-back guarantee?

Here it is: the cost for this course is currently $97.00. If you decide you want your $97.00 back from me anytime during the next 30 days after your purchase, just email me and request a refund.

It's that simple. No questions asked. No hassles. No delays. I'll send it back to you just as quickly as you sent it to me. That seems only fair.

So, here's everything that's included -
About Charles Lee Collins
Christian Cisneros is a geek who loves to design, code and market things.

He helps entrepreneurs plan, design and build their marketing systems so they can focus on what they enjoy the most.
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